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Week Eight Reflection

Most of my writing this week is on the second section of the Network Analysis Tools page, which could be subtitled "Things I Thought I Knew About Gephi." One reflective note on that writing, though. I ended the entry saying that the collaborative experience has been unique, a word whose semantic bedfellows distinct and idiosyncratic can sometimes be implemented subversively. I am using the word because I have never collaborated on a project where different team members work on different paths which may or may not converge in the final product.


Given my tangential approach to learning and the different technical skill sets of James and Vincent, I really appreciate the loose collaborative structure that Sarah designed. It not only allowed me to get very granular at and take my time on particular subjects but it also meant that I was rarely relying on James or Vincent's technical aptitude in order to realize my parallel field/subfield network visualization because I was doing it through my embarrassingly outdated but attainable Excel/Gephi means. It was really only this week that I needed Vincent to process the GEXF file through Sigma.js, but otherwise, we have had free rein to explore the project through completely individual methods, which has been a very valuable and unique experience. 





Chapter 9. Dynamic Graphs: How to Show Data over Time · Visualizing Graph Data. Accessed 4 Aug. 2021.


Charles W. J. Withers. “Place and the ‘Spatial Turn’ in Geography and in History.” Journal of the History of Ideas, vol. 70, no. 4, 2009, pp. 637–58. (Crossref),


Geographies of Knowledge. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2020. (Crossref),


Concept and Differences Between a Lawyer, a Solicitor and a Barrister in Uk - HG.Org. Accessed 13 Aug. 2021.

Converting a Network with Dates into a Dynamic Network. Accessed 4 Aug. 2021.

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